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Investor relations

Welcome to the ESPE S.p.A. Investor Relations section. The purpose of this area is to give full and transparent answers to enquiries for information from the entire financial community.

For sending out Regulated Information, the company uses the 1INFO-SDIR disclosure system managed by Computershare S.p.A., with registered office at Via Lorenzo Mascheroni 19, Milan.


ESPE S.p.A. Documento di Ammissione 20240219

To gain access to the admission document (the “Admission Document”), visitors are required to read and accept the information set out below, which must be given careful consideration before the information provided hereinafter is perused, accessed, utilized or in indeed processed in whatever manner. By accessing the section containing the Admission Document of this website, the visitor agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below, which may be amended or updated at a later date and consequently must be read in full every time the aforementioned section of this website is accessed.

The Admission Document has been prepared, in accordance with the rules applicable to issuers of the multilateral trading system, organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., “Euronext Growth Milan” (the “Euronext Growth Milan Issuer Rule Book”), for the purpose of admitting ordinary shares (the “Shares”) in ESPE S.p.A. (the “Company”) on the selfsame multilateral trading system.

The Admission Document and the transaction described therein, likewise any other information contained in the document, do not constitute a “public offer” of financial instruments — as defined in Italian Legislative Decree n° 58 of 24 February 1998, as subsequently amended and supplemented (the “TUF”) — and consequently it is not necessary to prepare a prospectus as specified under the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/980, except as required by the Euronext Growth Milan Issuer Rule Book.

The Admission Document therefore does not constitute a prospectus within the meaning of the above noted legislation and its publication does not have to be authorized by CONSOB as indicated in Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 or any other rule or regulation governing the drafting and publication of prospectuses pursuant to Articles 94 and 113 of the TUF, including the issuer regulations adopted by CONSOB under resolution 11971 of 14 May 1999, as subsequently amended and supplemented.

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The Shares are not and will not be registered, within the meaning stated in the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended subsequently, with any regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States of America, and cannot be sold or offered for sale in the United States of America or to or on behalf or for the benefit of a “U.S. Person”, within the meaning indicated above, in the absence of any such registration or of express exemption from compliance in this regard, or in other countries where the offering of shares is restricted under current regulations.

Under Regulation S of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended subsequently, a “U.S. Person” is defined as: (1) any natural person residing in the United States; (2) “partnerships” and “corporations” incorporated and organized under the laws of the United States; (3) any property of which the directors or managers are a “U.S. Person”; (4) any trust or estate where a “U.S. Person“ acts as trustee or executor; (5) any agency, branch, or subsidiary of an entity based in the United States; (6) non-discretionary accounts; (7) other similar accounts (other than property or trusts) managed or administered on behalf or for the benefit of a U.S. Person; (8) “partnerships” and “corporations” if (i) incorporated and organized under the laws of any foreign jurisdiction; and (ii) incorporated by a “U.S. Person“ for the principal purpose of investing in securities not registered under the terms of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended subsequently, unless incorporated or organized and owned by accredited investors (as defined under Rule 501(a) of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended subsequently) who are not natural persons, estates or trusts.

I hereby declare under my full responsibility, for the purposes of accessing the Admission Document and the relevant section of this website, and any other information contained in the following pages, that I am a resident of Italy and that I am not domiciled or located currently in the United States of America, Australia, Japan, Canada or in the Other Countries, and that I am not a “U.S. Person” as defined in Regulation S of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended subsequently.


logo Sim integrae

Integrae SIM

(Euronext Growth Advisor, Global coordinator e Specialist)
logo dwf

DWF LLP Italian Branch

(Legal Advisor and Labour Law Consultant)
logo RSM

RSM Italy

(Auditor, Financial & Tax Due Diligence)
logo dalla rizza

Dalla Rizza dr. Giampaolo

(Labour Consultant)
logo cerato

Studio Cerato e Associati

(Strategic advisor)

Shareholding and Share Capital

The share capital of ESPE S.p.A. amounts to 2,428,155 euros and is composed of 12,140,775 shares having no par value, of which 9,140,775 are Ordinary Shares and 3,000,000 are Plural Voting Shares. Ordinary Shares in ESPE S.p.A. are admitted to trading on the Euronext Growth Milan.
The following table shows the composition of the corporate structure, as resulting from the shareholders’ register as well as on the basis of other information available to ESPE S.p.A.


Shareholders Number of Ordinary Shares Number of Plural Voting Shares % of Share Capital % of Ordinary Shares % of Voting Rights
Espe Tecnologie S.r.l.(1)(2) 6.722.500 3.000.000 80,08% 73,54% 86,67%
Banca CIC 1.008.000 8,30% 11,03% 5,56%
Matteo Vecchiato (3) 291.275 2,40% 3,19% 1,61%
Market 1.119.000 9,22% 12,24% 6,17%
Total 9.140.775 3.000.000 100% 100% 100%

Updated 3 December 2024
(1) Company ownership Enrico Meneghetti 26.47%, Fabio Meneghetti 26.47%, Simone Mariga 11.765%, Franco Favero 11.765%, Luigino Sambugaro 11.765% and Cristian Bernardi 11.765%.
(2) Shares locked up for a period of 24 months from 22 February 2024.
(3) Shares locked up for a period of 24 months from 27 November 2024.

Admission price € 1,00
Market Euronext Growth Milan
Number of Ordinary Shares 9.140.775
Ordinary Shares ticker symbol ESPE
Ordinary Shares ISIN code IT0005573818

Updated 3 December 2024

Significant shareholder disclosure obligations

Under the provisions of the Euronext Growth Milan Issuer Rule Book approved and published by Borsa Italiana and subsequent amendments and additions (“EGM Issuer Rule Book”), anyone with a shareholding of at least 5% in a class of ESPE S.p.A. financial instruments admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Milan is a “Significant Shareholder”. The EGM Issuer Rule Book defines the acquisition of a proportion of share capital equal to or greater than the thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50%, 66.6% and 90%, likewise a reduction to a proportion below these same thresholds, as a “Substantial Change” of which ESPE S.p.A. must be advised by the Significant Shareholders no later than 4 trading days following the day on which the transaction that brought about the Substantial Change was made. The advice must indicate:

  • the identity of the Significant Shareholders involved;
  • the date on which ESPE S.p.A. was notified;
  • the date on which the Substantial Change of shareholdings occurred;
  • the price, the amount and the class of ESPE S.p.A. financial instruments involved;
  • the nature of the transaction;
  • the nature and extent of the Significant Shareholder’s interest in the transaction.

The advice can be communicated using the dedicate form, downloadable from the link below, sending prior notification to the PEC address or to and subsequently posting the document in hard copy by registered mail to ESPE S.p.A.


Significant shareholder communication form (EN)

Financial Statements and Intermit Reports


Financial Press Releases


23/12/2024 L'assemblea straordinaria approva le modifiche all'art. 16 dello Statuto06/12/2024 Pubblicazione dell’avviso di convocazione dell’assemblea straordinaria04/12/2024 Convocazione dell’Assemblea straordinaria degli Azionisti03/12/2024 Comunicazione di variazione del capitale sociale27/11/2024 Perfezionamento closing dell’acquisizione di Permatech Srl e sottoscrizione dell’aumento di capitale riservato31/10/2024 Aggiornamento sulla finalizzazione dell’acquisizione di Permatech S.r.l.15/10/2024 Partecipazione alla conference “Next Gems” organizzata da Virgilio IR e T.W.I.N (Milano, 22/10/2024)25/09/2024 Approvazione della Relazione finanziaria semestrale al 30 giugno 202402/08/2024 Costituzione di Gemini Solar S.r.l.01/08/2024 Acquisizione di una partecipazione di minoranza in Rigoni Lab S.r.l.29/07/2024 Approvati i criteri quantitativi e qualitativi ai fini della valutazione di indipendenza degli Amministratori25/07/2024 Nuove commesse per 4,3 milioni di euro e portafoglio ordini a 102,8 milioni di euro09/07/2024 Nuova commessa per 4,2 milioni di euro e portafoglio ordini a 97 milioni di euro01/07/2024 Ottimizzazione attività O&M mediante conferimento ramo d’azienda in Reflow Srl28/06/2024 Firmata lettera di intenti vincolante per l’acquisizione del 100% di Permatech Srl29/05/2024 Nuova commessa per 5 milioni di euro e portafoglio ordini a 102 milioni di euro17/05/2024 Pubblicazione Documento informativo Finanziamento soci10/05/2024 Approvazione di un finanziamento soci in favore della società09/05/2024 Partecipazione al “Financial Galà” organizzato da Integrae SIM (Milano, 21/05/2024)29/04/2024 Approvazione del bilancio 2023 e destinazione del risultato di esercizio12/04/2024 Pubblicazione dell’avviso di convocazione dell’assemblea ordinaria05/04/2024 Nuova commessa per 11 milioni di euro e portafoglio ordini a 97 milioni di euro27/03/2024 Approvazione del progetto di bilancio di esercizio al 31 dicembre 202322/03/2024 Esercizio integrale opzione Greenshoe12/03/2024 Nuove commesse per 31 milioni di euro e portafoglio ordini a 85 milioni di euro08/03/2024 Parziale rettifica dei dati presentati in CPA su Euronext Growth Milan22/02/2024 Debutto con successo sul mercato Euronext Growth Milan22/02/2024 Calendario Finanziario e nomina IR Manager20/02/2024 Ammisione alle negoziazioni su Euronext Growth Milan

Financial Calendar


Event Date
Board of Directors
Approval of draft annual financial statements and of consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2024
28 May 2025
Ordinary Shareholders Meeting
Approval of annual financial statements and presentation of consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2024 (first call)
27 June 2025
Ordinary Shareholders Meeting
Approval of annual financial statements and presentation of consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2024 (second call)
04 July 2025
Board of Directors
Approval of consolidated half-yearly financial report as at 30 June 2025, voluntarily subject to limited external audit
30 Semptember 2025


Event Date
Board of Directors
Approval of draft financial statements as at 31 December 2023
27 March 2024
Shareholders Meeting
Approval of financial statements as at 31 December 2023
29 April 2024
Financial Gala
Meeting with investors
21 May 2024
Board of Directors
Approval of half-yearly financial report as at 30 June 2024, voluntarily subject to external audit
25 Semptember 2024
Meeting with investors
22 October 2024

Related Party Transactions


Capital Increases

Analysts and Recommendations


Alberto Stocco

Investor Relations Manager

Integrae SIM S.p.A.

Media Relations

The information in this section is published in accordance with Article 26 of the Euronext Growth Milan Issuer Rule Book.

Enrico Meneghetti che parla al microfono
